Directions to Jeff & Linda's house in Wellesley

(Directions provided by Jeff.)

We live at 29 Hundreds Road in Wellesley.

There are a few complications. First, I believe there is a parade through Wellesley that day, so large parts of Washington Street (Route 16) will be blocked off.

Also, the number of expected cars will overwhelm our limited facilities for parking. Fortunately, we live across the tracks from the Wellesley Farms train station which has a parking lot that is open and free on weekends. So, rather than find your way to our house, please find your way to the Wellesley Farms train station and park there.

So, here's what you will want to do. (What you're about to read sounds more complicated than it really is, but you're network analysts.)

Take 128 to Route 16 in Wellesley. Head west on 16. You'll pass through a little shopping area, a closed Grossman's on the right, and will shortly come upon St. John's church. (You can't miss it. It's the white building with the steeple.) Right after the church, turn right on Glen Road. Go about a half mile until you reach Glen Cross Road. (If you cross over the railroad tracks, you've gone too far on Glen.) Take a left on Glen Cross. (The name of the road may change immediately to Croton. I'm a little confused about this.) Soon after you turn onto Glen Cross, you'll see the train station parking lot on your right. Proceed a little and you'll find the entrance. Park and walk toward the train tracks.

There is a path across the tracks right at the parking lot. Look both ways, please, and cross the tracks. (Don't linger on the tracks.) Turn right and walk until you come to a large gray box where there is a black asphalt path to Hundreds Road. (There's no street sign, but the path only runs between the tracks and the road.) When you get to the road, turn left and walk along the sidewalk. Our driveway is across the street, but there's no sidewalk on our side of the street. You'll see a "lab crossing" sign on a pole just before our driveway. The driveway has pillars on either side with an address sign on the right pillar.

The rest should be obvious. For those of you who manage to get lost or otherwise confused, call us at 781-239-3348 or 978-273-1111 (my cell phone).

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Map to Jeff's house